Happy New Year to you and yours!
What are you doing on the first morning of the new year? I am enjoying children having a sleep over at Nana and Pappy's house, aka a quiet house! Catching up on the news, reading articles reviewing the last decade (
whatever you may want to call it), checking out discussions on the change in the way we listen to music (and reveling in the fact that I still have a record collection that I love which balances my dependence on Pandora), generally just pondering this life of ours: the assumptions we make, the people we love, the things we take for granted, the unknown life that remains before us, what our children will be like (and ourselves, I guess) at the end of the next decade, the choices past and future.
I have never really been one for New Year's resolutions or year-in-reviews because I believe in constantly (maybe even obsessively?) reevaluating who I am and how I am living my life. This morning, however, the quiet - the rare and blessed cessation of sound - seems to allow for a wider reflective view. Take the time to ponder the view yourself.