Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Drum roll please...

The total snowfall for Sunday night through Tuesday is .................................9-10 inches (depending on where you measure)! Even though it was a bitter and windy 16 degrees at 2:30 pm , we bundled up the kids, made snow angels

and did a little impromptu sledding with a garbage can lid for about 15 minutes.

It took us a half an hour to get ready to go outside. But the kids enjoyed it and so did I, except that my hands were freezing because I gave Tristan my gloves because I couldn't find his gloves (which I later found in my purse, of course that is where they would be) and the kids couldn't wait another second to play.

Walking in a winter wonderland....

And our mini-van got stuck in the driveway. I am getting used to driving the camp's 3 ton pick up. Except that I suck at towing. And I guess we might want to get winter tires put on the van. With studs. :-)



Heidi said...

Tristan is getting SO big!!!

Sara said...

He is a little boy now. No more baby, even though that's what he calls himself and any other child he sees. He is even in a toddler bed now since he started climbing out of his kid. The end of peace has come!

Heidi said...

HAHAHAHAHA...will you email me you address?