Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Since it was warm today...

I thought I would post some pictures of our snowy winter wonderland. The temperature got up to 55 on the mountain today. Most of the snow is melted off our roof and driveway. Our road is a bloody, muddy mess but we still have 8-10 inches of snow on the ground. Even more in the deeper parts of the woods. But it does almost feel like spring. We even took the kids on a night hike this evening. It was nice to be outside and not freezing.


Unknown said...

OK WOW, Here I am in Boston and ALL the snow just finished melting on this balmy 65 degree day. Meanwhile in Western Mass there is still 10 or so inch's on the ground. So crazy. . . anyway it was good to read your blog and see what you, Matt and the kids are up to (man they are getting big!). Krista and I need to visit the two of you once the spring rolls around (and if you ever come to Boston be sure to look us up)! Tell Matt "Bogie-Perogie" said hi.

Sara said...

So great to hear from you! We would love to have your and Krista visit. We even have a "guest cottage" of sorts. It probably would be best to wait until things thaw out here a bit. Our road is horrific right now. I hope you and your new beginnings in Boston are going well! Tell Krista hello as well!
peace, Sara

Unknown said...

Hi Sara! Just thought I'd catch up on some blogs and always enjoy reading what you and the fam are up to. It sounds like you have had some wonderful adventures with many more to come! Hope you are well and staying warm!!

Blessings, Becki Laird

KookieDangerous said...

Now THAT'S the kind of snow I remember having when I was a kid in New Castle, PA!
It's been brutally cold these past 24 hours, and I had been advising the red buds and the daffy shoots that they shouldn't come out any more than they already had, it's a tough world out here...
I'm reading Jane Austen's _Persuasion_ to discuss on Liz's discussion forum the 15th woo hoo!
miss you!

KookieDangerous said...
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Sara said...

Becki and Ellen so good to hear from you! I am really behind in blogging lately but I have great plans to catch up sometime this week.
If only I could think it and it would blog itself, I would post 10 times a day!
Hugs to friends I have not seen in too long.
peace, Sara