Monday, November 9, 2009

Hi, there!

a.k.a. - I am the worst blogger ever!  But new news and pictures are on the horizon...I swear...a year and a half later but I am coming back...soon...


Amanda said...

I love these pictures of snow! They remind me of childhood blizzards in Denver :) Can't wait to meet you in a few weeks! (Um, I think you know that by now, but maybe you should hold off telling your parents until Jason gives your dad "a count"... it's silly, ask Jason). Looking forward to your updates :)

Sara said...

Thanks for the first comment in a year and a half on my first post in a year and a half! Weird.
I am really looking forward to meeting you and you meeting my family. It will be a busy, chaotic blast!

Jason D. Russell said...

Ba Gawk!

Jason D. Russell said...

Ba Gawk!