Our first cucumber! Oh, and don't mind that ghost in the garden. She is quite tame. We have two cucumber plants that Tristan brought home from preschool at the end of the year. They really were an afterthought. I didn't have a place to plant them and Matt's mom suggested planting them at the edge of the garden and letting them trail down the side. That has worked perfectly. They are happy trailing along the ground and we are happy eating them.
And the squash is plentiful. Although not from our garden, we were
So far this year we are stocked up on strawberry freezer jam, blueberries, and squash. It is getting pretty full in there...I think some of the dead animals need to go...
Woh...that's a lot of squash Sara. You could always use it throw at Matt when he gets cranky. He might just eat them though...so that may not work too well. Haha.
Could be a good last resort, though...
Again, another testamony to your amazing parenting skills and, I must say, your precious and awesome kids. Love you guys!!
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